2014 Tennis Summit: Assessing the state of British tennis

New Lawn Tennis Association chief executive Michael Downey will be a guest panelist at the inaugural Tennis Summit in April. Downey, who started his new role as head of British Tennis on January 6, has agreed to take part in a question and answer session discussing the state of the sport in this country.  In […]

Summons for mock public liability trial

If the thought of civil action sends you into a cold sweat, Perkins Slade and Berrymans Lace Mawer have created a mock trial to help you better understand claims, compensation and the limits of your liability insurance policy. Each year, more than a thousand sports coaches, officials and volunteers find themselves in civil court forced […]

TIA launches stringing programme

The Tennis Industry Association is teaming up with the Lawn Tennis Association and the UK division of the European Racquet Stringers Association to offer a series of stringing courses in 2014. Designed to provide training opportunities for new and existing racket stringers, the Tennis Racket Specialist Scheme offers ERSA (European Racquet Stringers Association) qualifications and […]