New research into tennis club business trends by the TIA UK has highlighted that tennis participation has grown the least over the past 2 years compared to other club activity such as fitness, swimming, lifestyle and social.
Tennis participation has produced 14% growth but has also seen a decline of 7% across the spectrum of membership categories. Junior male and female players provides the bulk of the reported growth. Fitness and swimming have seen 60% and 50% growth respectively with no discernible participation decrease in the last 24 months.
This and many other interesting trends in the tennis club sector have been highlighted in the first report of a five-year project. The TIA UK Tennis Club Business Report 2019 contains results of an annual survey with business data provided by 15 of the UK’s top tennis and tennis/sports clubs.
The project aims to benchmark tennis club business performance in order to sustain and. help grow tennis in the club sector
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